
Why Your Cat Makes You Happier

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There’s a reasons why cats make us so happy. It is because cats are very unique in their personalities!
Whether they are crazy cute, affectionate, playful, cuddly and loving, or maybe naughty, lazy, independent and moody, one thing is sure: we love cats and our life is not complete without these little fluffy angels!

Cats are indeed the playful companions that will bring you happiness in many ways.

We know cats are simply the best but did you know that living with a cat can improve your general health and help you be more social? Below are some cat facts we think you should know.

Health Enhancers

Having a cat living inside the home is known to produce a number of positive health benefits for you! In addition to bringing you happiness, love, and loyalty  a cat may also offer healthful reasons to be happy, such as:

• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Decrease risk of stroke
• Boost immunity
• Lower blood pressure
• Increase sociability
• Lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels

Perfect Mood-Boosters

Cats are affectionate, friendly, social, playful, fluffy, independent, and require much less attention than dogs! It is impossible to look to a cat or a kitten and not feel a calming effect which in fact triggers the release of oxytocin, the hormone known for inducing feelings of trust and love. What greater gift than the love of a cute fluffy cat?

Perfect Companions

Cat lovers know that the companionship felines provide is like that of no other type of pet. The sense of companionship and love you have for your cat can be just as enriching as any other friendship. A soft coat, expressive eyes, and a reassuring purr will make you feel loved. If you are going through difficult times talking to your cat helps work out your feelings, since it is often easier to talk to something that won’t respond and can’t judge than to another human being. If you’re a single guy and you can’t get a date, get a cat! Women seem to love guys who are affectionate and care for cats.


They fit well indoors

Maybe you don’t have the time to provide long walks and have decided a furry feline better fits your lifestyle. Cats are among the best-suited of all companion animals to living their lives inside of an apartment, a house or other small dwelling. Many veterinarians recommend that cats be kept inside at all times, for their own health and welfare.


We have the perfect gift for all cat lovers out there! Install My Cats and enjoy wallpaper images of cats and kittens with every new tab. Start your day with a smile and learn more about different breeds.


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